The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professionals listed on this website began meeting in the fall of 2010 to explore how our expertise in divorce financial planning could be more easily and often accessed by clients and their professional advisors.

Each of us is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional in good standing with the Financial Planning Standards Council. In addition, we have other designations and specialized training that enhance our ability to work with divorcing clients. Each of us is able to charge an hourly fee for our services in neutral assignments, aligned engagements and litigation support analysis roles that we perform.

All of the CFP® professionals listed on this website have been trained in the interdisciplinary collaborative process and some are qualified mediators. No partnership or professional practice association exists among or between any of the listed Divorce Financial Planners, each of whom is an independent professional practitioner.

The Association of Divorce Financial Planners is acknowledged for the idea of encouraging divorce financial planners to work co-operatively in their communities so that more potential clients and their professional advisors will know about and access the benefits of using financial experts, during and after a divorce.


By engaging a Divorce Financial planner you will benefit from …

  • objective financial guidance during an emotional time.

  • knowledge that improves your ability to make decisions about the financial outcome of your divorce.

  • expertise that addresses both your immediate financial needs and secures your financial future.


Legal Disclaimers:

i. Divorce in Canada is a legal matter with legal consequences.

ii. Divorce Financial Planning clients are advised to obtain independent legal advice.

iii. Divorce Financial Planners do not provide legal advice.

iv. Legal advice is the exclusive purview of members of the Law Society of British Columbia.

v. When hiring any of the listed Divorce Financial Planners you agree that no legal advice will be requested or given by that Divorce Financial Planner.